Its the bad english teachers. When i was a kid i could not read and they did not know (until my mother told them that she thought i could not read, this was 1st grade). In high school my english teacher said that my grammar, syntax and punctuation were fine and that i was no worse off then (oops i mean than) any other student and that my vocab was great. Being slightly dyslexic, pronunciation off, being one of those people that just cant seem to spell things correctly, and having an Autism Spectrum Disorder (AS), and I did not even know that there was difference between THAN and THEN. Testing showed that my english teacher was wrong. My mother made it to high school before any one noticed she could not read.
Feel free to criticize my english errors (or any other)
Last edited by miyamotomusashi; 12-03-2004 at 06:58 PM..