Although i don't believe in god as anything that any "established" religions claim their deity to be, i still like to keep an open mind to the subject and have a dynamic opinion rather than static belief of what god might be. The closest thing i've heard to what god might be and, more importantly, what it isnt, is almost summed up in a quotation from one of my favourite movies, Stigmata:
The kingdom of God is inside you and all around you. It is not in buildings of wood or stone. Split a piece of wood and i am there. Lift a stone and you will find me.
The movie also focuses on how the established church as an organisation is totally unnecessary and i think that is totally true. No one should have to give 10% out of every pay cheque to a middleman who, in all likelihood, would only muffle the voice of the worshipper and confuse people about what they are worshipping - God, or the church.
In all honesty, in difficult times i do whisper some prayers under my breath e.g. "Give me a break" but it isn't directed at anything, or any god, in particular. Its directed at life as an anthropomorphic abstraction in my mind and maybe the tiniest possibility that there is a god - an example of desperate measures... couldn't hurt to whisper something after all, especially when it gives substance to a sigh.