Originally Posted by bookiebye
George W. Bush has been elected the President of the United States of America. He is the President of U.S.A. For tis alone he deserves the respect of the people of the world.
Quite seriously, being President of the United States of America means you deserve fear. Fear is in many ways similar to respect, but it isn't the same thing.
You have to earn respect.
I can only imagine what accomplishments had to be made and how much work was involved to get to the position he holds today. It seems to me that he has many convictions that he is determined to fight for. Whether these convictions come from outside influences or within, most of us can only speculate. And as far as I'm concerned, irrelevant. At least he has the balls to be doing something, rather than just talking about it.
The balls to do something isn't a virtue I care about. It makes you more of what you are, it doesn't make you better.
Having the balls to kill someone is a good thing if the person needed killing. Having the balls to go to war is a good thing if the war needed doing.
Bush will do what he will do. Reason, logic, changing circumstances, hell, nor high water will get in his way.
Sure, he is pissing some people off in the process but you will never be able to appease the entire population with a single course of action.
Appease is such an ugly word.
Appeasing the radical right with tax cuts, justified first by a large surplus -- when that reason became bumpkus, then as a short-term economic stimulus -- when that reason became bumpkus, then as a long-term economic stimulus.
Appeasing the radical right with a war, first to attack a state that supports Al'Queda -- when that reason became bumpkus, then to attack a state working on nuclear weapons -- when that reason became bumpkus, and then to overthrow an evil dictator.
Putting forestry company executives in charge of a plan to make healthier forests by having forestry companies cut down more forests.
Putting oil executives in charge of a plan to move to alternative energy sources, by drilling for more oil.
Again and again and again, the radical right in the USA has lied about why it is doing what it is doing. It has also told the truth.
The war in Iraq is in order to generate an American miltitary empire.
This project is signed off by the vice president, the secritary of defence, and if I remember correctly, the current secritary of state. They knew Iraq didn't have nukes and wasn't conntected to Al'Queda, but they where convienient excuses. The only thing that stayed constant was 'we will attack Iraq'. And this has been on the agenda since 1992.
The tax cuts exist as a step to completely dismatle the american welfare state. Taxes on capital investments and inheritance will be completely removed -- it is an explicit attempt to increase the divide between the ownership caste and the worker caste. If you aren't rich, you should either join a church or political party which will feed you, or starve. The radical right is open in its wish to dismantle social security, welfare, and unemployment insurance. The excuses put forward at any one time are but excuses -- they want tax cut on the rich for the sake of tax cuts, not to stimulate the economy, return surplusses, or anything else.
The radical right doesn't hold with the structures of American Democracy. People who politely disagree with them are called traitors. Political checks and balances that get in their way are to be dismantled. Elections that are riggable should be rigged, because they believe they are on a holy mission.
The radical right is a revolutionary force. If you disagree with them, they'll attack you -- even to the point of threatening your life, as with the CIA operative whose cover they blew. Their objectives aren't limited. They aren't aiming for a reduction welfare, they aren't trying to reduce environmental requirements -- they want to completely rebuild the government.
I believe the radical right now. Not what they say on a day to day basis, but their core beliefs. They aren't aiming for limited success.
Kissinger: "It is the essence of a revolutionary power that it possesses the courage of its convictions, that it is willing, indeed eager, to push its principles to their ultimate conclusion."
Fuck appeasement.
If you know that voting machines can be hacked, don't just whine about it. Hack the god damn machines so your side will win. If your opponents are hacking them, they sure as hell won't fix the machines, and they can accuse of you having a tin foil hat on. Prove that it can be done.
If your opponents are willing to spend the country into debt, call them on it, and then play chicken. Put forward a bill to increase military baseline salaries by 20%-50% -- after all, they are putting their lives on the line. If your opponents are appointing judges without senate approval by using the 'emergency recess appointment' provisions, use loopholes back.
The radical right isn't "playing politics". They mean war, and they fight dirty.
He was elected by a clear majority of the American population to make the tough decisions for the citizens of the U.S. His tactics and policies may not always be well liked but the changes are evident and the benifits are clear.
An economy whose greatest achievement was an inventory bounce?
A war with 100,000 people dead?
Higher levels of terrorism than the world has ever seen?
A uniter who has managed to polarize the American people like never before? (ok, Lincon and the American Civil War divided the American people more)
Government balance books that look like a teenager with her first credit card?
A military facing a manpower shortage?
A huge trade deficit?
A currency with nowhere to go but down?
Squandering the largest outpouring of goodwill towards America since WWII with a preemptive attack on Iraq, whose official justification turned out to be a pack of lies?
Don't get me wrong. I'm far to afraid of the American radical right to seriously propose a nuclear weapons program in Canada, so the earlier posts I made on the subject where actually in jest.
But don't expect me to respect the US president. He has earned my fear. He has not earned my respect.
edit: my seplling is terrible