Biting after petting is pretty common. Some cats do it, some don't. You can tell after a while when they've reached their limit; usually they get a certain look in their eyes, and their stance changes, and yes, the tail starts to switch a different way. That's the time to pull the hand away.
I've also noticed licking behavior turn to biting behavior when one cat is licking another. Usually the cat that is licking will eventually begin to bite the cat being licked; then go back to licking, then bite again, and so on. The cat being licked will take it for a while, but will eventually respond with bites. And sometimes, the cat doing the licking will not bite, but the cat being licked will respond to the licking with bites.
I can understand why a cat who's being licked would eventually have enough and bite. But why would a cat who's _doing_ the licking decide to start biting?