Originally Posted by Agang579
That sounds interesting. I don't have state tax, so the mortgage interest and property taxes, & donations would be it. How would I go about bunching these? Thanks for your reply!
Here in OR, we have an option of paying all our property taxes at once in November, or paying 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 spread over a few months. The idea is to pay 1/3 in one year, and 2/3 in the second. In the second year, you then pay your property taxes in full that November, so you wind up with 5/3rds of a deduction in one year. You then make all of you charitable contributions in the second year, and hope you can get over the standard deduction hump.
Also, with the new tax law, you are allowed to deduct an estimated amount of state sales tax based on your income and state of residence. That, combined with a mortgage, should get you over the hump. Heck, even without that your mortgage interest should get you close with property taxes.