posted 01 December 2004 04:17 PM
Stand up tall
Dizzee, Dizzee
Blood rushs to my head
I open both hands
My open palms face the wall
And turn the windows red
I know five people that hate me
I know five people
I know five people that hate me
I know five people
I turn the windows red
I turn the windows black
I knock the windoes in
I stick the glass panes back
Laying on my back late one night
No longer alone, no longer alone
Bounce out of bed
Stand up tall, Stand up tall
Dizzy, Dizzy
Close my hands into angry little fists
I'll knock knock knock on his door
I got a pair of dusty heavy boots
Stomping on the floorboards
Of a younger girls school play
Bang, Bang, Bang
Clomp, Clomp, Clomp
Bust through the door
Waving a five iron
Fore, Fore, Fore
You wont front no more
With a broken jaw
And 10 Broken ribs
And your teeth like a jigsaw
All up on the floor
You wont front no more
My son, my brother, my only friend
When your blood is on the floor
With my bootprints on your door
Five people in this world, they hate me
Ugly dirty uncles
Rotten little nephews
I got a tyre iron
That weighs just right in my hand
I got a baseball bat
With 8 grooves in the handle
Strung round with black cord
I got a clean five iron
With a southpaw grip
And I've got a knife
And a length of dirty rope
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas