Just for the info of some Haligonians out there... GWB didn't arrive by helicopter, as you probably know if you listened to CBC this morning for the speeches. His motorcade came down the 102 / Bayers Rd, and went to Pier 21 that way. I couldn't tell you which peninsular streets he took.
Strange speech, I must say. Thanking Canadians for something we did three years ago, and not specifically for Americans (but in support of the American recovery effort after 9/11) seemed a little contrived. I think it was obvious he needed a reason not to spend two days in Ottawa and actually address Parliament.
Also, if anyone has an audio copy of the speech, I have a great drinking game. It involves the words "terror", "multilateral", "bilateral", "iraq", and "afghanistan". The mention of the "United Nations" warrants guzzling your beverage of choice on the spot.