It stuns me that there can be so much discussion about the variations of the English language. Further, I am amused by any assertion that Americans has detroyed English as a language. Would you make the same argument that Cubans has destroyed Spanish? The Spanish they speak is different from the Spanish spoken in Spain. Are regional differences not allowed? Is language not supposed to evolve and change? If it's not supposed to change at all, then why don't we all speak the same language? Even within the same country there are variations on the naitve tongue. Take China for example, with billions of people it should be no surprise that there are variations.
I don't think that Americans have done any worse to English than the Australians have, nor do I think that Central Americans have destroyed Spanish. The languages grew and changed as was appropriate for the region. If you want to tell me that I speak American or American English, then that's fine, just make sure you call your English: English English or British English or Australian English.
It was like that when I got here....I swear.