Originally Posted by the_marq
Well to be fair, there are Irish and Scottish languages that are still used today.
But what I think you are refering to is someone speaking "Canadian" due to slang words like "toque" or phrases that are distinctly Canadian such as "Double-Double" when ordering a coffee.
None of this defines a different language or even a dialect just a very simple regionalization.
I had no idea that 'double-double' was only Canadian! far out. I think that toque is as real a word as let's say beret for a type of hat, not slang.
I do know that Gaelic is the Irish language still in use (other than English) in Ireland, and that this is what was brought to Scotland by early Irish settlers, and is still in use there today. (i went to Queen's - we get indoctrinated in the Scot's history).
I think most of the 'American' language is a dialectic regionalization. I watched Trading Spouses last night which placed a Californian woman (who basically speaks like a Canadian) into a Cajun home. I could barely understand the English being spoken by the Cajun family, and they even put up subtitles. I wonder if their French is very much different?