Originally Posted by sandinista
I know what you're saying - but I guess my problem is just seeing my life as a beginning and an end - I'm not really focusing on my experiences during my life - I just kind of think it's meaningless to go around thinking there is something significant that I will accomplish, when I'm just a grain of salt on a cosmic scale, you know what I mean?
Well I'm 55 this year, been retired for 3 years now and I sometimes think that I'm still 20 until I look in the mirror. Where did all the time go so fast?
I think it is helpful to try and develop a sense of humor about life. I mean just think how absurd our existence is, located on this little planet in this obscure solar system in this obscure galaxy in this vast universe. We haven't a clue what it's all about. Sure we should try to get a better understanding of the nature of our existence but it is probably futile. I find that laughing at myself for being so ignorant helps me get through.
The funny thing about getting old is that the older you get the faster time seems to pass. I've been retired for 3 years now and it feels like I retired a few weeks ago. When I worked it seemed like an 8 hour day lasted for 20 hours, at least on those jobs that I did not enjoy very much. I can remember when I was a child how the afternoons would seem to take forever, now they go by in a flash.
Try to find something that you enjoy doing to pass the time you have left. There's not much you can do about it anyway, so try to keep open minded your first few years of college and go into a field that really interests you. So what if you don't accomplish anything significant, just live.
And like JustDisGuy said, don't be afraid to take risks. Most of the older guys I know look back with regret over taking the safe path rather than taking more risks.