Steelers and somebody else in the playoffs a few years ago, and the ref told the Steelers captain to call the coin flip for the overtime toss. He called tails, it was tails, but the ref misheard and gave the call to the other team. They won on their first possession. That was funny.
In baseball, a pitcher this year accidentally threw the baseball backwards halfway through his windup.
Also, in the 2003 baseball season, (the super-buff) Kyle Farnsworth of the Cubs hit pitcher (and frumpy looking guy) Paul Wilson of the Reds, who yelled at Farnsworth. They both ran at each other. Lets just say that afterwards the Cubs announcers solicited responses from Bears players on Farnsworth's impressive tackling technique.
A pitcher named Julian Tavarez pitched for the Cubs 5 or 6 years ago. He was really eccentric. One day he thought that his throws to first didn't feel too good. So every time a ball was hit back to him, he rolled it like a bowling ball to first base. It didn't make the other team too happy. Another time, in Spring Training of all times, he hit someone who charged the mound, and Tavarez tried (and failed spectacularly) to dropkick him! Also, I worked for the Cubs at the time as an usher. I was working a gate when Tavarez walked up in street clothes about 30 minutes before a game he was not scheduled to pitch. He gave me the "shush" sign and slunk in the park to go get dressed in the locker room. I imagine he really got chewed out that day.
Lastly, if you guys have never heard famous Orioles manager Earl Weaver's radio tirade, well, you are missing out on some of the best comedy ever.