I was going to start my own thread because Hubby and I are leaving next Monday to South Africa (Johannesburg) for a month or more for his job and I may not be able to come to TFP in that time. This thread is good enough for my thoughts.
There are two points of why I'm afraid of going to Johannesburg. 1. Everything I read about the city refers to how crime-ladden it is. Don't wear jewelry, don't carry a purse, don't carry a camera, wear a money belt under you clothes (not a fanny pack or purse), only go out on the streets in groups (never by yourself and even couples should be wary), if you can help it-don't get a rental car because of violent carjackings that are rampent.
I'm literally scared to death to leave my hotel all day while Hubby is at work.
I realize these are alarmist views, but I can't find any recent info on the internet to refute them, even on the American Consulate web site.
My second point is from the reason for this thread. This I'm not as much concerned about, but still am a bit. 2: If Hubby or I get sick or injured in any way that either of us need a blood transfussion, we might receive tainted blood. As someone else said, the majority of people in Africa are uneducated and don't have access to sex-education. In this day and age you'd think that's impossible, but it is possible. A major undertaking by the worlds superpowers needs to take place to educate (and supply sexual protection) to third world countries where that is the last thing they think of beyond food, water and shelter. These people are living a primitive lifestyle, and therefore they react in a primitive way: survive first, procreate second, provide for and protect your offspring third. I understand all of this but am still afraid of the threats we might encounter while in South Africa.
I hope we thoroughly enjoy our stay there and I don't anticipate anything happening that is unsettling. If any of you fellow TFP'ers have been to Johannesburg recently, I'd really love to hear your input from your stay!! I am so excited by our "once in a life-time" opportunity that nothing can dampen my spirit, but I would still welcome any practical advice. Sorry if I'm high-jacking the thread, I thought this would be a better use of "server" space if I just tacked onto this one.
'Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun, The frumious Bandersnatch!'--Jabberwocky, Lewis Carroll
"You cannot do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon it will be too late."--Ralph Waldo Emerson