My girlfriend has been on the pill for almost three years now, and we haven't used condoms the whole time. However I must admit that I am excessively worried about the possibility of her getting pregnant because she has missed taking her pills a few times in the past, and she also admitted that having babies is an absolute necessity for her in the future.
In truth, I fear that she may try to get pregnant on purpose by "forgetting" to take her pills before we graduate from college so she can force my hand into marrying her and not go off to graduate school. She has admitted that if she got married to a man whom she knew did not want children she'd still foil her birth control just so she could get pregnant.
I've tried time and time again to talk my girlfriend into going back to using condoms as an additional means to prevent pregnancy (I don't trust the pill 100%---especially given that she doesn't always take it at the exact same hour every day), but she's totally against the idea. She claims that sex just doesn't feel as good for her when I wear a condom, but deep down I fear that she's expressing her subconscious desire to have a child.
Doncalypso... the one and only Haitian Sensation