You know, personally I have no use for the man or his policies but as a Canadian I have to say I'm ashamed that we've elected a parliament full of members who cannot be trusted to give the President of the United States of America the appropriate level of deference and respect. We don't have to respect the man, but as the leader of the world's dominant super-power and our nearest neighbor and ally you would think that we could respect his office.
Softwood lumber? Canadian live beef? The only thing that's going to change these issues ahead of WTO/NAFTA schedule is full support for the Yankee war in Iraq. I don't think that's worth it, personally. We just need to investigate alternate markets and learn to become less dependant on the US market. The Chinese can take all of our export market and more. Make them competitors for limited goods and see where that gets us in trade relations. I also think that we're going to end up with a value-added capacity that the instigators of these trade actions will rue when our finished goods start rolling across the border.
Protest the President? Bah. He doesn't give a fuck what we think, and why should he? At least a welcome in the House of Commons would have put him on happy, touchy-feeling footing for a brief time but thanks to the morons we elected, we don't even have that.
"Act as if the future of the universe depends on what you do, while laughing at yourself for thinking that your actions make any difference."