When certain ingredients are present in food, I'd require statements that warnings be in bigger and bolder type than the brand names.
I'd like to go after the companies that sell garbage to human beings in the most effective and enlightened way possible. I'd like to go after the ones who target children by forcing them to reveal their secret psychological research immediately.
I'd make a huge issue of mass-media mind control. It's in our interest to initiate full-bored investigations into what goes on behind the scenes in corporate marketing as it relates to taking peoples' freedom of thought away from them without their knowledge or consent.
But the simple fact is, if we prosecuted corporations for the false and deceptive claims they make - these problems, in large part, would be on their way to being solved.
I have enough faith in people to think that once the facts are known about mass media, they would begin to reject it. We haven't even begun to put the kind of money behind an expose that is being put into secret corporate research on how to manipulate our minds.
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