You're right lukethebandgeek, we do know more about American politics than you know about Canada, and it's President Paul Martin (lol)
I truly hope that the Bush visit is not marred by unfortunate acts spurred on by the protesting. I personally don't protest, but that's me. If you want to protest, do it, but don't do something stupid. Bush is coming here to start a new relationship with Canada. Chretien did all he could to cool off Can-Am relations, so at least with Martin there is hope that we can begin a new chapter of openness and communication. We need the border opened to softwood lumber and beef, so we need to suck a little cock to make that happen.
I don't think Bush is a bad guy. I do think that many Canadians only hate Bush because the American media told them to and they bought it.
I have faith in a few things - divinity and grace
But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys