I spent several years in Alaska as a Bush Pilot. I had a friend killed by a big grizzly when the guy with him wounded it with a .375 H&H rifle. I fly fished many places with grizzly present, but made sure that they knew I was there, never got between a cub and its momma and always carried a big rifle. I would hazzard the educated guess that if a grizzly surprises you, no matter what you are armed with....you're dead meat.
I walked up on a fair sized grizzly in his bed one morning. He sat up and was trying to figure out what I was. I took his picture with an Argus C-3 camera with a very metallic sounding shutter. He took off running thru the willows. He looked like a D-8 Caterpiller tractor doing 60 mph. Make lots of metallic sounds while hiking. You won't see many wolves or moose, but you won't see any bears either.