Well, aside from the times getting caught by Mom & Dad in my awkward youth with my little admiral in my right hand and a Hustler (or some equally raunchy tome) in the left - Many moons ago, I was home on leave from the Navy and staying with my parents. I decided to sneak an old girlfriend into my bedroom. Probably not the brightest idea I've ever had. About 2 in the morning, we were well into what I considered to be a quiet and intimate session when my dad burst in - "What the fuck is going on ...OH!" He was sufficiently embarassed enough by the sight of my naked hairy ass in midair to hurriedly close the door, but said "Keep it down, goddammit!" through the door in parting. Fortunately, we were able to continue our erotic activities at a much quieter level to our mutual satisfaction. Next day Dad shook his finger mockingly at me as if to say "You naughty little fucker, you!!". Nothing more was ever said about the incident.
Louisiana: We're Not ALL Drunken Cajun Wackos, But That's Our Tourism Campaign