Originally Posted by enderfax
My sister and her friends, about 3 years ago, came running into my room, disturbing my EQ experience, hysterical. They apparently had contacted some "being" through the Ouija and had become quite scared. I suggest they stop using it, but they wouldn't go back into the room. So I went in, grabbed the board, took it outside and set it on fire. There was no explosion, no spirits flying away, and I'm still alive 3 years later. It's all bullshit. Pure bullshit. If you believe in contacting the 'dead', you're just insane. I know about it, because I've been there. Sure, I was all hopped up on crystal and coke, but I've seen this shit. It's all mental. The ghosts are the ones living up in your head, and until you can flush those fuckers out you'll be insane. Stop tormenting yourself and feel the cold steel in your mouth.
Fucking dumbasses.
Hey, relax a little man. There's absolutely no reason to bash on what other people believe is true just because you don't. Obviously you have strong feelings on the subject, but the ridiculously angry and vulgar tone you take does nothing to deter belief and everything to make you sound like a ranting fool. If your goal is to say it isn't real, try doing it reasonably without insulting people you don't really know. If your goal is, however, to insult people and the beliefs that they hold while also sounding incredibly irrational, keep it up man, you're doing a great job and I look forward to your 'banned' label.
By the way Enderfax, I realize that you've been here longer than me, and that there is something to be said for seniority, but my impression was that the point of this forum was to create a
mature and
open-minded community. I don't pretend to know whether or not this is your usual manner of posting, but it's uncalled for and certainly not either mature or open-minded.
Having gone through and read a some of your other posts, this is really the only one I found that seemed very abrasive. I don't want it to seem like I'm trying to attack you personally, just that I found this post of yours particulary mean-spirited. (no pun intended)