I'll take a swing, but first...
Originally posted by ARTelevision
indiscriminate sales and deceptive promotion of poisonous products is not a right.
giving kids a one-two punch in the mind with ads aimed directly at them in order to poison them isn't a right either.
Are you relating Nabisco to the tobacco companies? Wouldn't all things be considered poisonous in this sight, even things taken in moderation?
Originally posted by ARTelevision
Billions of advertising dollars are targeted at people who have increasingly diminished ability to discriminate - not because they are somehow deficient but because they live in our society and have been rendered parially or totally mindless. No one seems to want to discuss this, except to toss it off as a ridiculous notion of mine. I have responded they are in denial. I'm waiting for a response.
Sounds like you want to overhaul the US government and advertising systems there...
Originally posted by ARTelevision
protecting citizens from poison is a legitimate function of government.
all your protestations to the contrary sound like "I want my Oreos."
Agreed, protecting citizens from poison is a legitimate function of government and yes i do want my Oreos!! 
La Disciplina È La Mia Spada,
La Fede È Il Mio Schermo,
Non salti Ciecamente In Incertezza,
E Potete Raccogliere Le Ricompense.
Last edited by Prophecy; 05-13-2003 at 05:33 AM..