Yes, balance is key...but you should keep in mind that you will burn most to all of your carbs within 30 minutes to a half hour. So, if you eat a bowl of spaghetti (say 300 calories of starch) then you must go out and RUN and burn 300 calories in the next hour, or your body stores it as fat.
Protein is better if you aren't going to run a marathon after your meal because they take more like 3 or 4 hours to burn. Fats take even longer (up to 6). So, if you don't plan to eat another meal for 6 hours, you need to figure your calories out; lets say (random number example) you want to burn 100 calories an hour for 6 hours. You eat 150 calories of carbs, 300 calories of protein, and 200 of fat, and you have smooth blood sugar for 6 hours.
I realize this sounds atkins-y, but it's actually sourced in my eating habits to regulate my own blood sugar, being hypoglycemic... I need to actually think this way, or I crash out after 3 hours when I run out of calories!
There's no justice. There's just us.