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Old 11-29-2004, 12:47 AM   #8 (permalink)
Location: Montreal
Originally Posted by Bonesaw
The ending was no more of a let down than the first one. Sheesh in HL you battle forever through Xen only to have the G-man say thanks. At least in the citadel you have the "pleasure" of riding in style for some of the end. Plus you'd be crazy to think that Valve would end their story at the end of HL2. They've finally gotten an engine that BLOWS away all others and they've just gotten warmed up with the storyline. I'll admit that the end was a big of a wilted boner but I still was Impressed with the slowdown and stoppage of the explosion and Alyx flying back in mid-air. What a cliffhanger!
I totally agree with you, Bonesaw.

VALVe knew where they were going with this game. From the start they knew exactly what direction they wanted to take the plot and storyline. I wouldn't be surprised if one Day One of production Gabe said, "This game ends in a cliffhanger," and everyone agreed.

Honestly, if you can't deal with the cliffhanger, fine. But don't bitch about the game not being as good as hyped or not liking the storyline because it's not over yet.

As far as cliffhangers go, I think this one is absolutely brilliant. This was obviously meant to be a trilogy from the start and they've managed the story progression perfectly. It's a lot like the way the Wachowski brothers split up Reloaded and Revolutions; the Architect gave you a nice little speech but you didn't understand much.

You'll need to play HL3 to know what happens. I love it.
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