Originally Posted by Manx
IFollow along now -
Increasing pay to workers will result in less workers requiring more than 1 job which will result in more people working which will result in lower taxes which will result in a one-for-one balance in trade for companies who increase the pay they give to workers.
How will increasing pay lead to less workers?
If I put an ad in the paper offering a janitorial position for $5.15/hr, how many responses will I get?
If I put an ad in the paper offering a janitorial position for $30.00/hr, how many more responses will I get?
Forcing a company to pay its lower workers more, will not, in any way, create a greater demand for more workers. It will create a greater supply, but less buyers of the product.
I am having problems just getting past your first premise of this statement.
No kidding, please explain to me how raising the minimum wage will create a greater demand.
And, unless I am doing something wrong, I don't get any tax breaks or more tax deductions based on my workers. I get my deductions elsewhere, not from the labor I use.