Offensive content on television (hmm)
How do some claim to find sex and nudity, when it comes to television, offensive?
Well then, if some of us claim to the FCC or whatever that church and prayer, when it comes to television, is offensive, then shouldnt the FCC back us too and penalize any network for airing such things considered offensive to the some of us?
I think it's time to create a ransome. lol.
Nudity and sex should be televised as long as church and prayer is! That would be equality on television right there.
Or else:
If there cant be nudity and sex televised on television, then there cant be any church and prayer televised on television either.
Yeah, we all got hands to control what we watch on T.V. so allow it all I say.
What does watching sex do to a kid? vs What does watching violence do to a kid? vs What does watching Church and prayer do to a kid?
If anyone wants to say TV is influencial, then wouldnt it be better to have the sex and nudity content to create more harmony?--Rather than the violent content which would create choas?--And rather than the church and prayer content which would brainwash because it's telling one lies to follow as if they are truths to follow?