Hear My Song -- great British comedy from about ten years ago. A fun "road" movie with a lot of off-the-wall humor. Not real fast or violent, just a real good time.
The Advocate -- Comedy of manners set in medieval times about an idealistic French lawyer who leaves France to practice in the "peaceful" countryside, and runs into murder, sex, witchcraft, gypsies, international cartels, sex, the plague, and sex (and did I say sex?)
Dreamchild -- surreal semi-bio of Lewis Carrol and the "real" Alice in Wonderland, down with mucho flashbacks, reality bending, and giant horrific muppets. Highly recommended.
More good road pictures: Roadside Saints, Smoke Signals, and (what the hell) Chopper Chicks in Zombie Town, a Troma classic that everybody should see, for some reason.