This debate rages on and On. Here are a couple of simple truths that I think most of us will agree with.
As human beings we tend to be biased in our thinking. Often we want very hard for things to be true or correct. This bias affects both sides of the creation/evolution debate.
There are scientists who have been tempted to overstate their findings( hell some have greatly overstated thier findings)
Ther are religious zealots who have overstated what scripture says (hell some of them greatly overstate what scripture says)
The truth is that none of us really "know" where we come from.
Christians "hope" is placed in God through his son Jesus Christ.
Many scientists are Christians/Muslims/Jewish.
Evolution is not necessarily directly opposed to scripture... read scripture again with evolution in mind and you will see this is a silly debate Both theories should be allowed for our children to debate in school. All theories should be questioned!
Remember: one of the truths about Statistical analysis... Correlation is not causation...
Therefore Evolution is still just a theory to explain the correlation of facts associated with biological similarities amoung various species. Anyone who tells you differently has not been paying attention in class... including some professors at my university.
Theories do not scare me; whether presented by Christians professing biblical ideas or scientists professing biology ideas based on evolutionary theory. Fundamentalist science freaks or fundamentalist Christians scare me alot, due to their lack of objectivity.
Any one who speaks about knowing the truth absolutely about these topics is making their assumption based on faith (scientist or christian... it doesn't matter)
Therefore .. I am correct... and you are all wrong...
ha ha Have a great day!
Living on the edge of sanity
Last edited by RCAlyra2004; 11-27-2004 at 09:22 PM..