Originally Posted by Lebell
I believe that is one of the valuable side effects of "The Fringe". By their bulldoggedness (is that a word? ), they can force us to look at problems that do need solving, such as the possible problems with electronic voting.
They cause more harm in the long run then good. You have wack jobs who go to great lengths to show the moon landing didn't happen (and since there were several moon landings I guess they were all faked too), aliens are among us, people talk to the dead, a 747 never hit the pentagon, and other nonsense which can infect less trained minds. Its creates 1000's of non-thinking idiots who think protest is good for protests sake, and in the end they end up pretty miserable and worthless human beings not knowing who to believe, trapped in a dream world of misinformation. At best they are just nut jobs at worst they act out on these fantasies and are dangerous.