Brown rice is good. It takes a while for your body to break down, longer than white rice or bread or pasta, so the carbs are absorbed over a longer period of time. This keeps your blood sugar up, so you're less likely to be hungry or low energy.
When your body takes in carbs, there's a sort of intermediate holding area where it stores them, in the liver I think, where they can be accessed quickly. When that short-term storage capacity fills up, then the body takes the extra and makes fat. So it behooves you to ensure that food and carbs arrive gradually from your digestive system instead of in sudden large amounts. Rice is good for this, and more to the point so is eating multiple small meals throughout the day instead of a few large ones.
That said, the body does need fat and the the key is to eat healthy ones in moderation. Frankly, what works for me is to eat a fairly substantial and healthy breakfast, and then eat lightly for the remainder of the day. Since I don't eat late at night and it's been at least 11 hours since the last meal, my body needs the nutrition and is ready to use it. With breakfast, I usually have 1/2 or more of an avocado, which does _not_ weight me down or make me full, and yet lets me eat light, lower-fat meals for the rest of the day without that feeling that something is "missing."