I think that it would be near suicide to soften our tone toward arab nations at the current time. I agree that our policy has been flawed, but to back down now would only embolden terrorists. We have to not only look at attacks against US intrests, but islamic terrorism occuring worldwide. How much of a p.r. boon would it be to say that terrorism swayed the most powerful nation of the world.
That's one of the problems with geopolitics, any sign of movement away from your positions is often taken as a sign of weakness. That's why I personally think Kruschev (sp?) should get the lion's share of the credit for the Cuban Missle Crisis. Knowing that he could be seen as "weak" and on the losing side, he still did what he thought was necessary. And honestly, even if they were inclined, the current political climate would not be good to the administration if they did try to change their position.