DO NOT USE A CREDIT COUNSELING SEVICE!! These always seem like a good idea at the time, but they really kill your credit. To a lender, it basically looked at the same as bankruptcy. Braisler had some good thoughts for sure. Try calling the companies direct. I own a mortgage brokerage, so I know the value of looking that direction. If you just bought your house 6 months ago and you got a 100% loan, then there might not be a lot of options yet. If you put any money down though, you certainly have options, and there'd be no better way to clean you credit up and get rid of those payments then to do it with a mortgage. There are also companies that will lend you over 100% of your house, but I would only suggest those if your only other option is bankruptcy, and if you're planning on staying in the home for long while longer. You can IM me if you want to talk further about things.