Originally Posted by K-Wise
I didn't see Rush or Triumph either. I don't think Triumph will ever make any greatest list cause I guess they weren't as popular as I thought. Which sucks cause they really are a really really good band. Never Surrender is one of my moms favorite albums. And Rush? Shit they're one of the single greatest bands ever.
Let's just look at some of the Guess Who's greatest hits;
These Eyes
No Time
American Woman
No Sugar Tonight/New Mother Nature
Bus Rider
Share the Land
These tunes keep getting played, why?,..cuz they're great tunes. Hate to bring it up but after decades people are still humming these songs. Will people be humming Tupac, R. Kelly, N.W.A.,Dr. Dre, and Salt-n-Pepa 40 years from now. Maybe. But I'll be listening.
Random site about one of Canada'a best bands.