In a war on terror, a juicy target is one which could possibly undermine the Middle East terror hotspots, has comparably rich resources in oil and water with which to found a modern economy on, is practically entirely a flood plain making for quick mobilization, has friendly native Bedouin tribes with a long history of helping the CIA into the country - oh and this target has a government which is known for giving $25,000 to the families of terrorist suicide bombers, thus encouraging the continued senseless violence there. It's remarkable of just how much effect a cheque of that size can have on the morale of people willing to kill themselves so their family can have it. Not to mention that continuing that cycle of violence means more anti-Israel (and by proxy, anti-American) sentiments in the Arabic world because of the responses.
I don't see how you couldn't alienate the world's Muslims in this furball. You don't want to them to annhilate the Jews, they want to annhilate the Jews. They resent you for not letting them annhilate the Jews.
Last edited by Connolly; 11-26-2004 at 01:14 PM..