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Old 11-26-2004, 10:55 AM   #30 (permalink)
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Location: Detroit, MI
Originally Posted by zen_tom
Ustwo's Muslim counterpart is well within his rights to denounce the 'American Imperialist Fanatics' who pose a credible danger to his security and who have already killed many of his kin in their ideological crusade,...
Who is on the ideological crusade? Don't forget, this Iraq War is soley a response to a first strike upon the US. It is the US's attempt to stop such attacks from happening again. And they aren't trying to solve the problem by annihilation, they are trying to solve it by trying to help the Iraqis help themselves through moderate and responsible leadership.

I also agree that the US would find its relations with the Middle East much more productive if it toned down its public rhetoric in regards to Israel. Its just bad politics to keep publicly denouncing one group, and at the same time hollering out your support for their sworn enemy. It needs to be subtler than Bush saying, for example, "There will be no Right of Return for Palestinean refugees.", and then saying "Israel has no greater friend than America." It is a bit ridiculous.
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