Regarding the US elections, I had the pleasure of taking a class during the election with a Democratic teacher who also works in the Chicago radio news media, so she saw all the exit polls since she was one of the people on her station doing the reporting of the election. She also teaches a class on the art of polling. What happened was not so much that the exit polls were wrong, but that they were read too hastily by many people. The leaked exit polls represented voters from earlier in the day, and it's a known fact that there may be very different trends in voters from different times of the day. Once you get past the conspiracy theories and accept that the exit poll results CNN now shows are the FULL results, it is clear that there is no disparity not within the margin of error. And I know the CNN results are not falsified because of my discussions with my very much Bush-hating teacher about these exit polls, since she was able to witness the election from within a news organization, doing the calling and everything.
Le temps détruit tout
"Musicians are the carriers and communicators of spirit in the most immediate sense." - Kurt Elling