It's got central locking but not remote locking, so a key-turn unlocks everything but I can't press a button from a distance. Not too big a deal but apparently the keys still have a chip inside for the immobilizer so I can't just get another one cut so easily, I've got to go to the Mitsubishi dealer and get them to do it, all that stuff.
About getting the locks changed, I'm going to look into it, but the strange thing is that the car is insured for more than it's worth (about $1,500 more). I don't know how we managed that but it's covered against theft so if I wake up tomorrow and it's gone, we're fine money-wise, but godamn what an inconvenience upon an inconvenience upon an inconvenience!
I'm calling around asking if the tow-truck driver has the key, if the dealer has the key or if the mechanic does, but so far everyone's just fobbing it off on someone else. My guess is that they took the key off the keyring for safe keeping (all your eggs in one basket-type of thing and misplaced the spare, and now don't want to admit it).
I'm looking in to how much it costs to get the locks changed, but I've got to determine if the cost is too much for a used car. As you can imagine the past few days with this car have been driving me nuts and I'm really scared now that I've bought a total bucket and am now screwed.