I didn't want to start a new thread on this because it's just a small question:
This is the first thread thread I've ever seen that isn't dominated by a circle jerk to the chant of "Tabbed browsing, tabbed browsing, tabbed browsing!" Almost every time I hear a mention of Firefox somebody mentions tabbed browsing and it's like blood in a piranha tank, but can somebody here explain why tabbed browsing is good?
Everyone says that Firefox is good because it has tabbed browsing, but I haven't been able to work out why tabbed browsing is good. Does it save memory somehow?
I use both IE and Firefox (Firefox only because it works with GMail and I can increase font size more than IE) but IE lets you open up different windows for different pages, lets them load in the background while you read one page (Right click - open in new window), all that stuff.
I'm not trying to say IE is better, I'm just having trouble working out what is so special about this tabbed browsing business, and how that differs from IE's windows.