Sometimes you don't have to "smoke" anything. Just eat a cookie or use a
Vaporizer . There's even a THC spray that medical users can shoot directly under their tongue called
Sativex that comes in a bottle.
Why "use" THC, the drug?
- it's fun. it gives an altered state to everyday things so they seem fresh.
- it's safer than other drugs like alcohol, cigarettes or even caffeine if used in a responsible way. Mis-use of any drug is not a good thing over time.
- it smooths the pain after doing hard work. It's legally used as a painkiller by medical users for a reason.
- it's cheap (but labour intensive) to grow if you've got a good spot. Ideally, not in the United States. Even a few high-quality plants can reap a nice harvest. You know it's clean of other drugs plus, you can brag about your plants and share the wealth with others.
I use it for awhile and get tired of it, then pull it out when company comes or it's a stressful day. My drug of choice.