Originally Posted by KMA-628
What kind of information would you like about the switch? Are you looking for information about how the current system is taken down and replaced or do you want more reasons supporting the consumption tax itself?
The idea behind the consumption tax (and pretty much most NST proposals) is that it replaces almost all taxes (see the list of exactly which taxes are replaced in my original post).
In my opinion it wouldn't be a bad thing at all. It would be much more simple and has the potential to take in more revenue than our current system does (by the way, our current system is against the founding ideas of this country in that all people are not created-or treated- equally)..
I already mentioned that in another thread. The answer I got was that "things are different now."
Originally Posted by KMA-628
I disagree with keeping anything resembling the name IRS as the connotations regarding it are way too negative. There will have to be overseeing departments, but they wont even be remotely the size of the IRS.
Haven't you heard? A couple of years back, they directed us to make the checks out to "US Treasury." I assume it was because the IRS was exposed in all its glory during the abuses hearing.