Originally Posted by Ananas
I think it's our whole society in general that has just gotten louder, ruder, and stupider.
Bingo. You hit the nail squarely on the head. People today generally don't give a crap about anyone but themselves. If they want to do something, they do it, and screw whoever happens to be around. This problem is compounded by businesses so desperate for every scrap of cash they can possibly squeeze out of the public that they bend over backwards to avoid pissing anyone off - even the bad customers.
So we wind up with movie theaters that won't do anything about rude patrons. Hell once I had one guy threaten to put my (then) girlfriend in the hospital right in front of an usher, and nothing was done by the staff. Something was done by me, but that's another story
The problem is also compounded by our kid-centric society. Parents are put on some sort of god-like pedestal and are allowed to get away with stuff that the rest of us never could. Want to bring your crying kid into a theater? That's OK, you're a MOMMY. Want to change your kid's diapers on the table in the mall food court (i've seen this enough times that I never again will eat off of one of those tables)? That's OK, you're a DADDY. And with all those parents being forgiven for acting like rude asshats, it's hard to frown on the rest of society if they also want to do rude and inconsiderate things.
It's turned into a downward spiral, and I think it's going to spell trouble for us as our population continues to rise. The Japanese developed a social system of hyper politeness largely because they have about a jillion people per square inch, and if everyone was a rude asshole they'd end up with people snapping and mowing down crowds every day. Our society, meanwhile, continues to have the attitude of "I do what I want when I want and fuck everyone else" while we continue to increase in population and proximity to each other - and we wonder why we continue to have more incidents of rage.
Just as an example, when I was growing up in the early 80's, we never heard of road rage. Didn't exist. But there was also a higher level of politeness on the highways. Now we've got some of the rudest behavior of our society happening daily on the highways, and people are snapping.
We have to decide as a society to start being courteous and considerate toward each other again. If we don't, we're going to find ourselves in deep trouble down the line.