Originally Posted by maleficent
I made cranberry sauce this afternoon -- much better than the canned crap.
Not Necessarily In Order:
1. Brussel Sprouts
2. Cleaning Up After Dinner
3. Going around the table and saying what we're thankful for
4. My sister and hearing about how wonderful she thinks she is
5. My mother asking about who I'm dating (and funny, my response that I'm having casual sex with Hells Angels bikers never goes over well,but yet, she asks every year)
6. Someone getting drunk
I truly detest family holidays... I shudda gone to the islands.
You could substitute "a dirty old man from southwest Ohio that you met on the internet" for Hells Angels biker....
I can live without the multiple trips to the grocery store to get the crap that you know that you already have SOMEWHERE in your house. My first repeat trip of the day : ALLSPICE.