What great timing...
Ok, here's the story. A few weeks ago I was looking into buying a used Honda Civic, around a 1996 or upwards model. I decided on a Civic sedan, asked here and got a lot of good feedback, things were good. After about a month of searching I could only find a handful of Civics (both private sellers and dealerships), only one was in good condition/price/color etc., and that was the first day I started car-hunting so I didn't go with it.
Anyway, this past weekend I was looking again and found a 1999 Mitsubishi Lancer sedan, perfect condition, very low mileage (kilometers here), and it was white, was very similar to the Civic, basically had everything I wanted but the Civic name, but it looked like a great deal so I bought it.
Yesterday we got hold of it, picked it up and it's finally ours, it drives great, is a bit louder than my old 1997 Toyota Camry but that's what you get with a smaller car I guess. So I drove it home from the dealer yesterday, went out today to buy some stuff, get used to the car, etc. I parked it outside my place and came back later to move the car into the driveway and the thing won't start. You turn the key and it goes vroom,vroom,vroom, but doesn't kick in.
After seeing what we could do, which wasn't much, my Dad and I called the mobile mechanic we're insured with (I think the US equivalent is the AAA?) and he was a really nice guy, but he worked out that there's a problem with the fuel line, and when he disconnected the line and we tried the engine no fuel came through, so somewhere between the gas tank and the fuel line (before it goes into the injectors I think) there's something wrong.
Can you believe it? 30 hours after buying a used car the damn thing breaks down on me. It's under warranty of course, and luckily it broke down outside my house and not on a highway so it's really not much more of a huge inconvenience, but godamn is this humiliating and frustrating, and makes me wonder who I've displeased to deserve this!
The car's certainly not a rustbucket, it was in great condition, very low mileage (90,000km for a 5 year old car), good service history, etc. So yeah, that was just a rant and I thought I'd share my frustrations! Here's a photo or two I took of the car this afternoon.
<img src="http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0PgAAAAAS*SZhWdnhAO2YXjMb7VdCZLY7OWnO8SYTokosTyQsuWRhCthnIOV0Rc4bUh1nqa4Wc*Lgcc9kAI!OJcHbn8QD0ndP/car_1.jpg?dc=4675498940921497995"> <img src="http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0PgDdAgESNSdd!A7h7a9TSwUjKfLb7H0cZMlMKHc8hNPEyxv5Hb!n!ohJ1QClXDiCvOmJ2nK9jOCmWr1plavuOSJqJsPvItO0/car_2.jpg?dc=4675498940964224966">