Originally Posted by goddfather40
cranberry sauce, especially the canned shit that always ends up on the table
and to think I like cranberry juice
I especially like the sucking sound it makes when it comes out of the can and slaps down onto the dish. Mmmm Mmmm good.
I usually go to two or three Thanksgivings over the holiday. Different families and everybody wanting to do their own dinner. What I've discovered is that someone always brings the gelatin. Always a homemade "experiment." Usually some screwed up flavor with random bits and chunks of a various fruit that never, never compliment the gelatin flavor itself. Kiwi-mango blue coconut vibe with bits of pineapple, bits of orange and celery for texture. Celery?
Everyone always says something nice about and takes a bit, but they never eat it. I usually help with the cleanup and the funky flavored jell-o is always left behind.