Hmm, as much as I'm enjoying our repartee, I'm not sure how much farther this can go without getting silly.
You are arguing that I am wrong (not taking personal responsibility) for wanting tax cuts over debt repayment. First, that is not my argument, I wholly agree with debt repayment. I am arguing for tax cuts over increased social spending. Second, you, not me, argue that growth will reduce debt to valueless. A valid argument but one which take time. Time that will be transferred to our children. I am arguing that the debt should be paid down in monetary terms not in relative terms. So in fact, my timeline for paying down the debt is probably faster than yours.
Other thoughts:

If we agree that shelter is not an option, I can only suggest that if one is financially able, it is prudent to invest through a mortgage rather than rent. Again, only an opinion, although one more easily defended. But the personal debt issue is a red herring. we are really discussing the transfer of assets from one individual to another through taxation - irrespective of their personal debts.
I also understand your reasoning with regard to inflation and growth as indeed many politicians use a similar line. But consider that GDP is a
part of inflation. Which is to say, inflation is the increase in money supply above the economic growth. So you are adding two things together of which one is a factor of the other. Know what I mean????????
As for your poke at libertarianism: Any ideal (political, religious or otherwise) becomes ludicrous when taken to extreme. Libertarian thought does not require extremism to create what in my opinion is a positive value.
Ok, so, your saying on the seventh day God edited tfp????