It's also related to the area that you live in and the theatre's you visit.
Take a drive to the more reserved expensive areas and it stops.
As a Brit visiting America, I'd like to comment on the initial post and ask why Americans feel the need to clap at the end of a movie?
Just like your comment on the actors not being able to hear the lady in the plane, they can't hear you clap to show your appreciation either.
Funny thing though, I was visiting in Provo, Utah and went to the dollar theatres with some uni buddies. Blond hair and blue eyes everywhere (honestly, utah is an aryan utopia) except for a friend from South Carolina sitting with me. I tell you, this girl was the SC stereotype - loud, fried chicken feasts, the works. The movie was Rush Hour, and at one point when Chris Rock did something particularly cool, my friend blurted out "That's mah nigguh!!!!"
The entire place turned it's head at us and I just pissed myself. I thought it was the funniest thing ever. All these young Mormon politically correct eyes just bugging out to see who would dare say that and when they picked her out they all seemed to give a collective sigh of relief. "It's ok, she' can say it, she's one of them."
Funniest shit I ever saw.