The yelling at the movie screen bit, seems to be a black thing. I'm not sure why, but I'm reporting what I've seen. It's there, it's happening, and there's no one else I see doing it with such regularity and fervor.
The white people things are: to have 12 goddamn giggling little 14 year old bitches sitting in the whole ROW in front of me, who can't shut their fucking cell phones off / or / 4 teenage guys who can't stop fucking with each other the whole movie / old ass people who can't hear shit, so they spend all movie asking their partner "what did he say? what just happened?"
The hispanic thing is...well, I don't think I've seen it yet. Other than the whole go everywhere in large groups thing.
I'm sure there's an asian thing. I don't know what it is. Asians aren't flocking to central Ohio, it would seem; so, you got me there.
All of the above groups have thier damn annoying movie theater "things." Why none of them notice that maybe other people don't appreciate it? I dont' fucking know.
I DO know why so many people are spending a billion dollars a year on home theater equipment: People love movies, and people hate other people's annoying move theater "things."
I also know that I pretty much hate going to the movies, because so many other people can't STFU for two hours. My wife and I go to early afternoon weekend shows. So far, those seem the emptiest we can go to, on our schedules.
I will be spending mass amounts of money next year, to build a home theater. As my wife and I are now two-week old homeowners, we'll be building a home theater system and investing more in DVDs. No neighbors to worry about soundwise (because we ARE the kind of people that WON'T turn our TVs up loud past 11 on a weeknight!!), so turn the 5.1 surround UP!!
Final Note:
The whole loud black people thing. Pure BS. The stereotype is "blacks are loud." Therefore, you see loud black people, you go: "see, more loud black people." But, you don't view the same group of loud white people in the same theory-proving way. Thus, the loud whites aren't marked and remembered as "extra loud."
So I say, so shall it be.
Thank you, that is all.
I can sum up the clash of religion in one sentence:
"My Invisible Friend is better than your Invisible Friend."