black people, movies, WTF? STFU
It happened again. I was sitting there, quietly watching a movie, surrounded by a bunch of other people who were quietly watching the movie. And there’s one person who is talking…no, shouting advice to the actors on the screen. And, just like every other time this happenes to me, the person is black.
This time it was a little different, because it was an in-flight movie, and the person was right next to me. And she was really going off; bellowing to make herself heard over the headphones she was wearing.
“Oh, no girlfrien’! You don’ go in dere! I done TOLE you not to go in dere!”
I wanted to turn to her and say, “Do you realize that the people on the screen can’t hear you? Do you realize that you are a walking talking (OK sitting, yelling) are a racial stereotype? Do you realize all the people on this plane are giving you dirty looks?
I know it’s not ALL black people. I lived in a house where I was the only white guy, and none of my housemates pulled this crap. I used to date a goddamn BEAUTIFUL black woman, and she never yelled at the screen. Yet every time it happens to me, without fail, it is a black person who has the big mouth.
Seriously, WTF is up with this? Is there a segment of black society that believes that if there is a movie on, they are all expected to provide running commentary? Do they think all of us quiet people are uptight, and don’t get it?
Ass, gas or grass. Nobody rides for free.