Originally Posted by davik
As a guy I enjoy going down on women, but I've run in to some girls who were squeemish about going down on a guy, and in the case of my current g/f, wouldn't let me cum in her mouth for a very long time, and still pulls off after the first spurt or two. It's a bit of an annoying double standard since I go down on her when she's leaving wet spots the size of a plate and when she's on her period... As far as all the girls who really enjoy giving head, the men of the world thank you.
Hey there's a joke about that, a guy's wife works at a sperm bank and his wife wouldn't let him come in her mouth so he puts on a mask and runs into the sperm bank with a gun, he sees his wife and says, pointing to gun at her, open the fridge where they keep the cups of sperm, she does so, he then orders her to drink one or he will shoot her, she does so, he then orders her to drink like 3 more then when she does he takes off the mask and says "See honey no that wasn't so bad".