I was just about to start a thread on this, then I clicked on "new posts" and watta ya know!
I have long thought that computer games could be used to for more educational purposes as opposed to mere distraction or escapisim. As the tech increases and increases I think this could be a great way to experience an event in the past.
This is a little on the edge in terms of "tastefullness" but as we move in years further from the date in question it will seem more and more paletable. For example, a romantic love story (movie) around the 9-11 attacks would seem tasteless as 3000+ people were killed that day. However, a similar move framed by the events of Pearl Harbour is A-OK (but a crappy movie).
I just finished downloading this file as I was typing this, once I have had a look for myself I will report back.
EDIT:::: One last thing, I am sure the game makers are absolutely loving all this free advertising. Nothing sells quite like outrage and contraversy.
The Truth:
Johnny Cash could have kicked Bruce Lee's ass if he wanted to.
#3 in a series
Last edited by the_marq; 11-24-2004 at 11:34 AM..