Originally Posted by Ustwo
I'll put money that none of you three has ever tried to run a business, I think that’s pretty obvious.
That has what to do with what I posted above?
Originally Posted by Ustwo
Did you ever think that perhaps the problem with IT people is they were overpaid for their jobs for a while due to a very high demand and low pool of workers in computers back in 'the dark ages'?
Of course there was. The logical slide downward also included the MCSE, then CCNA, then degrees, then every other certificate under the sun. Kids out of high school getting a diploma with MS certifications attached to it were just a part of what ruined the IT sector. The ITAA used tremendous fear tactics in promoting to the public the idea that foreigners were needed with their ridiculous estimates of 800k plus jobs going unfilled per year.
Does pandering cheap labor from across the globe solve the problem? no, it only intensifies it by cheapening an already floundering industry.