Huh? Agree with what? That because the Democrats failed to support a right-wing coup attempt centered on an oval office blowjob that they weren't a strong enough dissenting minority to sway military policy? huh? I don't follow or agree.
So you don't consider lying to a grand jury an issue as long as its about a blowjob? Glad to know that you feel there are times when lying under oath is ok with you.
And the lives of their own soldiers let's not forget. This "ends-justify-means" logic doesn't exactly sit well with me. An allegory might be your drunk uncle who wrecks on the interstate killing 5 people and propels himself throught the windshield onto the grass where, looking up through his blood-soaked eyelashes discovers a four-leafed clover and we're all expected to be happy for him and all the good luck coming his way. yeah right.
Thats an exremely inaccurate 'allegory'.